Dried Flowers for the Holidays

November 06, 2010

Dried Flowers for the Holidays

A new batch of our dried flowers are just in. Displayed in various tins, urns, and vases, these wonderful arrangements look great in any setting. 

Dried Flowers with Protea, Lemon Leaf,and YarrowDried Flowers with Protea, Lemon Leaf, and Yarrow

      Bring Autumn's colors into your home for the holidays and create memorable table settings with these unique dried flower arrangments.

Flower Arrangement with Protea, Mahogany Pods, Mushrooms, Lemon Leaf and Magnolia LeafFlower Arrangement with Protea, Mahogany Pods, Mushrooms, Lemon Leaf and Magnolia Leaf

 Dried Hydrangea, Peonies, Pink Roses, China Millet, Milo, Celosia Larkspur, and Dusty Miller Dried Hydrangea, Peonies, Pink Roses, China Millet, Milo, Celosia, Larkspur, and Dusty Miller


Dried Flowers with Protea, Pimentina, Yarrow, and Lemon LeafDried Flowers with Protea, Pimentina, Yarrow, and Lemon Leaf

Protea, Fern, Stag Horn, Black Sorghum, Feathers, with Lotus, Mahogany and Cotton Wood Pods

Protea, Fern, Stag Horn, Black Sorghum, Feathers, with Lotus, Mahogany and Cotton Wood Pods

 Inventive combinations of dried flowers, mushrooms, seed pods, pheasant feathers, okra, and artichokes, work well in both country and formal settings.

Green Hydrangea, Lotus Pods, Cigar Flower, Artichokes, and Mushrooms in Green Ceramic Container
Green Hydrangea, Lotus Pods, Cigar Flower, Artichokes, and Mushrooms in Green Ceramic Container 

Yellow Roses, Nigelia, Pink and Purple Larkspur, Yarrow, Millet, Oregano, Echinop and Green CarthemusYellow Roses, Nigella, Pink and Purple Larkspur, Yarrow, Millet, Oregano, Echinops and Green Carthamus

The color holds for many years.

Yellow Roses, Millow Berries, Larkspur Nigela, Yarrow, Blue Thistle, Oregano, Lavendar, Lapidium, Celosia, And Poppy Pods
Yellow Roses, Milo Berries, Larkspur, Nigella, Yarrow, Blue Thistle, Oregano, Lavendar, Lepidium, Celosia, And Poppy Pods

 For balance, some arrangements come in pairs.

Square brown to gold pot  holding terra cotta rose, pimentina, yarrow and lemon leafSquare Brown to Gold Pot Holding Terra Cotta Rose, Pimentina, Yarrow and Lemon Leaf

These dried flower arrangements are difficult to ship by mail. They can be shipped by truck with other items. The best method is to come visit this beautiful seacoast area, indulge in some local seafood, and stop on by.

A Group of Dried Flowers
A Collection of Dried Flowers

Looking forward to your visit.

FSquare Teal Pot with plumb Blossom Pods, Blue Billy Balls, Ochre Pods, Tangerine Roses, flax and MushroomsSquare Teal Pot with Plumosum Pods, Blue Billy Balls, Ochre Pods, Tangerine Roses, Flax and Mushrooms 


Good Morning, I was just on your website and decided to go on the blog and to my surprise I found these gorgeous, stunning, breath-taking, arrangements!! Who designs these masterpieces for you? Do you have someone in house or do you subcontract? I would love to find out who this creative genius is! All the best... P.S. The antiques are beautiful too.
gorgeous photos! Love the arrangements of the arrangements.....

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